General Programs

Women Building Women 4 Success
Inside-Out Women’s Support Group
Women building women for success is designed for ALL women, creating an atmosphere to promote wholeness. Our goal is to build a community for women to help each other Love from the Inside-Out and grow from the pieces in their lives into PEACE. We want to support women from where they are in life and see them get to where they want to be. Our program will include mentorship, support groups, financial literacy, career focus, education, empowerment seminars, and so much more.
Monthly / Quarterly Assemblies
â–ª Ladies outings
â–ª Volunteer sessions (outside organizations)
â–ª Fundraising events
â–ª Budgeting classes
â–ª Business Spotlight
â–ª Resume Writing & Interviewing Essentials sessions
â–ª Support Group (Sharing Stories)
â–ª Women's Retreats

Loving Me 2 Grow Me
"I'm a S.T.A.R to the Kingdom"
Loving Me to Grow Me, youth mentorship program is especially designed for students between the ages of 12 to 17. Our goal is to teach our youth how to Love From the Inside-Out. Our program will provide enrichment resources and life skills, to grow our young men and women into S.T.A.Rs, a Successful Talented Anointed Resource. The program focuses on the art of teaching the youth to embody self-love, so they can grow and form healthy relationships with themselves and others. Our life skills guidance includes leadership, financial budgeting and management, time management, economical awareness, interpersonal skills, self-awareness, effective decision-making, and more.

"P3" Pain, Passion, Purpose
“In pain, find their passion, and make it your purpose" ~ Veronica Mitchell
Our pain, passion, purpose program was designed to assist other families through tragic losses. Our desire is to help them channel their pain by finding the passion of their loved one, and making it their purpose. It truly is the catalyst from which Love From the Inside-Out, The Lucy Lu Foundation was created. The pain of losing a loved one is unparalleled to most things we experience throughout the course of our lives. It’s important to constructively channel that pain, and deal with the roller-coaster of emotions one faces after the death of a loved one. Our P3 program seeks to be one of those facilitating factors that aid families in dealing with the loss of a loved one, while honoring their memory.

JBooks of Love will be collecting new and gently used books to provide to school aged children.
Specialty Programs
Empowerment Seminars
Annual "From Pieces to Peace"
Women's Empowerment Seminar
Encouraging women through different life issues.
Mental Health & Domestic Violence Awareness Sessions
Educating individuals on resources available within their communities and much more.

Annual Backpacking for the Homeless
Providing a warm Christmas Day breakfast and a wrapped gift!
Are you interested in any of our programs? Looking to partner with us as a sponsor, or to become a volunteer? Or perhaps you're seeking assistance. If the answer to any of these questions is yes; then please click on the "Apply Now" button below to inquire about our many programs and services.