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     The creation of this heartfelt foundation was birthed out of the pain of losing my beloved sister Melissa “Lucy-Lu” Mitchell to domestic violence on December 8, 2015.   Although in tremendous pain, I prayed and asked God what could I do to honor my sister and have an impact on other women’s lives, and He gave me "From Pieces to Peace", which will be the core of the "Proverbs 31 Woman Transitional Housing" program. 


     Love from the Inside Out is vital for women of all ages regardless of race, color, religion, or background. The pain of childhood hurts, scars of molestation, failed relationships, and the hardship of life’s failures can often cause us to make decisions out of brokenness, and settle when we should not. The goal of this foundation is to bridge the gap between pieces and peace through community outreaches, empowerment seminars, women’s retreats, and support groups for all women who struggle to love themselves from the inside out. It is created to help women take themselves from the broken pieces they have become, into a true place of peace and wholeness.  A generation of whole women will have a greater effect on future generations of girls who will see this tower of wholeness in their grandmother, mother, sister, and neighbor; thereby, creating an epidemic of women who desire this integrity within themselves.  The Lucy-Lu foundation is designed to let women know that it’s possible to fall and still rise again, because God’s Love is unconditional, and so should their love be for themselves. 


     My sister’s memory and heart will beat through the lives of the women that will be restored through this foundation, and I pray that the impact will be global and world changing.  


Proverbs 31 Woman will seek to become an industry leader in the non-profit sector for single mothers. It’s our expressed desire to create generational change in women of all ages regardless of race. Proverbs 31 is a Christian

based housing program for women, which

seeks to enhance the love of a woman for

herself while providing necessary life skills

to enhance the whole woman, and most importantly, centered in God.


Proverbs 31 Woman

Transitional Housing Program



Mission: Our desire is to create a generation of whole women by bridging the gap between pieces and peace. Providing outreach, mentorship, education, and stability to aid in creating sustainable women.


Vision:  To inspire women to rise out of the ashes and love themselves from the inside-out.  Create an environment centered in God for women to transition their mind, body, and spirit into a true place of wholeness. To see generations of virtuous women pass down generational cycles of wholeness for inheritance to their children and family.

Prayerfully Coming in 2021

© 2020 by Love From the Inside-Out, The Lucy-Lu Foundation Inc. 

Website Designed by JL Incorporated


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Love From the Inside Out Inc A/K/A The Lucy Lu Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Florida non-profit corporation. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.

Division of Consumer Services disclosure for Love From the Inside Out Inc Registration #CH45388: A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling 1-800-Help-FLA (435-7352).

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